Source code for pelican.util.settings

import logging
import logging.config
import os

import sentry_sdk

# Basic configuration

[docs] class Steps: FIELD_COVERAGE = "field_coverage" FIELD_QUALITY = "field_quality" COMPILED_RELEASE = "compiled_release" DATASET = "dataset" TIME_BASED = "time_based" REPORT = "report"
logging.config.dictConfig( { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": False, "formatters": { "console": { "format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s [%(name)s:%(lineno)s] %(message)s", }, }, "handlers": { "console": { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "formatter": "console", }, }, "loggers": { "": { "handlers": ["console"], "level": os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", logging.INFO), }, "urllib3.connectionpool": { "handlers": ["console"], "level": "INFO", "propagate": False, }, "pelican": { "handlers": ["console"], "level": os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", logging.INFO), "propagate": False, }, }, } ) # Pika is verbose. logging.getLogger("pika").setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Project configuration # Extractors insert this many rows into data_item at a time. EXTRACTOR_PAGE_SIZE = int(os.getenv("EXTRACTOR_PAGE_SIZE", 1000)) # Extractors collect this number of items before publishing a message. To publish the least number of messages, it # should divide evenly into EXTRACTOR_PAGE_SIZE. EXTRACTOR_MAX_BATCH_SIZE = min(EXTRACTOR_PAGE_SIZE, int(os.getenv("EXTRACTOR_MAX_BATCH_SIZE", 100))) # Do not import compiled releases whose size is larger than this number of bytes. # # In practice, very large releases create very large results and cause processing to fail. Since less than 0.005% # of releases in Kingfisher Process exceed 300 kB, these releases are simply excluded instead of pursing another # solution. (2021-10-27: n=6.12318e+07: >300 kB: 2650 0.005%; >30 kB: 195009 0.3%) KINGFISHER_PROCESS_MAX_SIZE = int(os.getenv("KINGFISHER_PROCESS_MAX_SIZE", 300000)) # Timeout for URL availability check. REQUESTS_TIMEOUT = 30 # Do not set in development, to skip updates to exchange rates, and to save quota. FIXER_IO_API_KEY = os.getenv("FIXER_IO_API_KEY") # The following settings configure how the rate is determined if a date is missing a rate. # Interpolation refers to the behavior when the date is between dates with known rates. If disabled, the value is not # converted. Otherwise, the rate is determined by either using linear interpolation ("linear") or copying the rate of # the closest date ("closest"). CURRENCY_CONVERTER_INTERPOLATION = os.getenv("CURRENCY_CONVERTER_INTERPOLATION", "linear") # If the distance to the nearby date(s) is greater than this number of days, the value is not converted. Set to -1 to # set the limit to infinity. CURRENCY_CONVERTER_INTERPOLATION_MAX_DAYS_FALLBACK = int( os.getenv("CURRENCY_CONVERTER_INTERPOLATION_MAX_DAYS_FALLBACK", 90) ) # Extrapolation refers to the behavior when the date is outside dates with known rates. if disabled, the value is not # converted. Otherwise, the rate is determined by copying the rate of the closest date ("closest"). CURRENCY_CONVERTER_EXTRAPOLATION = os.getenv("CURRENCY_CONVERTER_EXTRAPOLATION", "closest") # If the distance to the closest date is greater than this number of days, the value is not converted. Set to -1 to # set the limit to infinity. CURRENCY_CONVERTER_EXTRAPOLATION_MAX_DAYS_FALLBACK = int( os.getenv("CURRENCY_CONVERTER_EXTRAPOLATION_MAX_DAYS_FALLBACK", 180) ) # A comma-separated list of steps to run (default all). Note: If field_quality is set, then field_coverage is run, # because it is a dependency. STEPS = os.getenv( "PELICAN_BACKEND_STEPS", ",".join(getattr(Steps, attr) for attr in dir(Steps) if not attr.startswith("__")), ).split(",") # Dependency configuration # To set the search path, use, for example: postgresql:///pelican_backend?options=-csearch_path%3Dproduction,public DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL", "postgresql:///pelican_backend?application_name=pelican_backend") KINGFISHER_PROCESS_DATABASE_URL = os.getenv( "KINGFISHER_PROCESS_DATABASE_URL", "postgresql:///kingfisher_process?application_name=pelican_backend" ) # The connection string for RabbitMQ. RABBIT_URL = os.getenv("RABBIT_URL", "amqp://localhost") # The name of the RabbitMQ exchange. Follow the pattern `{project}_{service}_{environment}`. RABBIT_EXCHANGE_NAME = os.getenv("RABBIT_EXCHANGE_NAME", "pelican_development") if "SENTRY_DSN" in os.environ: sentry_sdk.init( dsn=os.getenv("SENTRY_DSN"), traces_sample_rate=0, # The Sentry plan does not include Performance. )