Set up the database

To use the default settings, create a pelican_backend database and use its public schema.

To use another schema, you can set the PGOPTIONS environment variable when running psql commands, for example:

env PGOPTIONS=--search_path=development psql DATABASE -f FILE

Create the btree_gin extension:

psql pelican_backend -c "CREATE EXTENSION btree_gin";

Run migrations

Run the files in the pelican/migrations/ directory in numerical order. For example:

psql pelican_backend -f pelican/migrations/001_base.sql -f pelican/migrations/002_constraints.sql

Load exchange rates

Populating exchange rates from scratch will take a long time and use a lot of’s quota.

Instead, load a file:

psql pelican_backend -c "\copy exchange_rates (valid_on, rates) from 'pelican/static/exchange_rates_dump.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;"


The extract.kingfisher_process worker fetches missing exchange rates when it receives a message. To avoid duplication across processes and/or threads, you can run the update-exchange-rates command periodically.

Dump exchange rates

psql pelican_backend -c "\copy exchange_rates to '/path/to/exchange_rates_dump.csv' csv header;"

Reset the database

Truncate all tables in the database. For example:

psql pelican_backend -f pelican/static/truncate.sql