
Read the rest of the documentation to understand how Pelican backend works, and how to perform common tasks.


Create a Python 3.11 virtual environment.

Install development dependencies:

pip install pip-tools
pip-sync requirements_dev.txt

Set up the git pre-commit hook:

pre-commit install

Set up the database.


The default values in the file should be appropriate as-is. You can override them by setting environment variables.

You can now:

  • Start workers


    Set the LOG_LEVEL environment variable to DEBUG to see log messages about message processing. For example:

    env LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG python -m workers.extract.kingfisher_process


    Remember: Consumers declare and bind queues, not publishers. Start each worker before publishing messages.

  • Run tests:


Having trouble? See Troubleshoot.

Defensive programming

There are innumerable ways in which OCDS data can have structural errors. Although such data should not be submitted for processing, we nonetheless try to guard against it. Use the functions from the pelican.util.getter module to access data safely.


Define any OCDS data as as a dict or a list-of-dicts in the global scope. This allows the file to check its conformance to OCDS (after adding any required fields).

If the OCDS data is required to be invalid, you can suffix __invalid_schema to the variable’s name. However, try to make the OCDS data valid, if possible. For example:

  • If you need a currency whose rate is unknown, use "UYW".

  • If you need duplicate IDs, but the tests are failing with “… has non-unique elements”, add a valid field like "name": "" or "title": "" to make the items distinct.

This ensures that checks work against valid OCDS data – not artificial date created for testing.


Code fixtures

For to work, check that all OCDS data is in the global scope. For each type of check, there should be …

Compiled release-level checks

In tests/compiled_release/*, no results for calculate\((?!\w+\)|{}\)), and the results for import (?!bootstrap|calculate|functools|get_empty_result_resource) should be followed by a statement like calculate = functools.partial(roles.calculate_path_role, ...)

Dataset-level checks

No results for add_item\((?!\w+, \w+(\[\w+\])?, \w+( \+ \d+)?\))

Time-based checks

No results for \b(filter|evaluate)\((?!\w+, \w+, \w+, \w+, \w+\))

Any exceptions to the above must be moved to the global scope, or manually validated.

OCDS upgrades

  • Update file fixtures:

    curl -sS -o tests/fixtures/blank.json
    curl -sS | jq '.records[0].compiledRelease' > tests/fixtures/compiled-release.json
  • Review files, to be sure that checks account for new fields.

  • Update code fixtures to use new fields.

  • Decide whether to add new checks for new fields.