Technical overview

Worker design

Workers communicate via a RabbitMQ exchange to extract and assess OCDS data, writing the results to a PostgreSQL database.

Workers can be daemonized and run in parallel. The pipeline is:

  1. An extract worker extracts a collection and its compiled releases. It publishes the IDs of the items in batches.

  2. The check.data_item worker performs the field-level and compiled release-level checks. After each batch is processed, it publishes the ID of the dataset.

  3. The check.dataset worker determines whether field-level and compiled release-level checks have been performed on all items. If so, it performs the dataset-level checks. After, it publishes the ID of the dataset.

  4. The check.time_based worker performs the time-based checks. After, it publishes the ID of the dataset.

  5. The report worker creates field-level and compiled release-level reports, picks field-level and compiled release-level examples, and updates the dataset’s metadata.

Repository structure

├── contracting_process    Field-level and compiled release-level checks
│   ├── field_level           Field-level checks
│   │   ├── codelist             List inclusion checks
│   │   ├── coverage             Coverage checks
│   │   ├── format               String format checks
│   │   └── range                Range checks
│   └── resource_level        Compiled release-level checks
│       ├── coherent             Coherence checks
│       ├── consistent           Consistency checks
│       └── reference            Reference checks
├── dataset                Dataset-level checks
│   ├── consistent            Consistency checks
│   ├── distribution          Distribution checks
│   ├── misc                  Miscellaneous checks
│   ├── reference             Reference checks
│   └── unique                Uniqueness checks
├── pelican                The main project
│   ├── migrations            Database migrations
│   ├── static                Static files (SQL dumps, SQL snippets, etc.)
│   └── util                  Shared utilities
├── time_variance          Time-based checks
│   └── checks                Individual checks
└── workers                :doc:`All workers<reference/workers>`
    ├── extract               Extractor workers
    └── check                 Checker workers

Pelican frontend integration

Pelican backend and Pelican frontend are composed as in this image:
