Source code for pelican.util.getter

import re
from datetime import date, datetime
from typing import Any

from dateutil.parser import isoparse

from pelican.util.currency_converter import convert

regex = re.compile(r"^([^[]*)\[([\d]*)\]$")

[docs] def get_amount(no_conversion, amount, currency, date): if no_conversion: return amount elif date is not None: return convert(amount, currency, "USD", date)
[docs] def parse_datetime(string: str | None) -> datetime | None: """ Parse a string to a datetime. :param string: the value to parse """ if string is None or not isinstance(string, str): return None try: return isoparse(string) except ValueError: pass try: return datetime.strptime(string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") except ValueError: return None
[docs] def parse_date(string: str | None) -> date | None: """ Parse a string to a date. :param string: the value to parse """ if not string or not isinstance(string, str): return None try: return isoparse(string[:10]).date() except ValueError: pass try: return datetime.strptime(string[:10], "%Y-%m-%d").date() except ValueError: return None
[docs] def deep_has(value: Any, path: str) -> bool: """ Returns whether a nested value exists in nested dicts, safely. Use this instead of :func:`deep_get` to check for the presence of a key. For example, ``deep_get({"id": 0}, "id")`` is falsy. :param value: the value to index into :param path: a period-separated list of keys """ for part in path.split("."): if type(value) is dict and part in value: value = value[part] else: return False return True
[docs] def deep_get(value: Any, path: str, force: type[Any] | None = None) -> Any: """ Gets a nested value from nested dicts, safely. If ``force`` is provided and the nested value is not of that type, then if ``force`` is ... - ````, ``datetime.datetime``: Parse the nested value as ISO 8601. On failure, return ``None``. - ``dict``, ``list``: Return an empty ``dict`` or ``list``, respectively. - ``float``, ``int``, ``str``: Cast the nested value to that type. On failure, return ``None``. If the nested value is not set, if ``force`` is provided, and ``force`` is ``dict``, ``list`` or ``str``, return an empty ``dict``, ``list`` or ``str``, respectively. Otherwise, if the nested value is not set, return ``None``. :param value: the value to index into :param path: a period-separated list of keys :param force: the type to which to coerce the nested value, if possible """ for part in path.split("."): if type(value) is dict and part in value: value = value[part] elif force in (dict, list, str): return force() else: return None if force and type(value) is not force: if force is date: return parse_date(value) elif force is datetime: return parse_datetime(value) elif force in (dict, list): value = force() elif force in (float, int, str): try: value = force(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None else: raise NotImplementedError return value
[docs] def get_values(item: Any, str_path: str, value_only: bool | None = False) -> list[Any]: index: int | None if item is None: return [] # return whole item from root if not str_path or str_path == "": if value_only: return [item] else: return [{"path": str_path, "value": item}] # return the value for key in the item if "." not in str_path and str_path in item: if type(item[str_path]) is list: values = [] for index in range(len(item[str_path])): if value_only: values.append(item[str_path][index]) else: values.append({"path": f"{str_path}[{index}]", "value": item[str_path][index]}) return values else: if value_only: return [item[str_path]] else: return [{"path": str_path, "value": item[str_path]}] # indexing used field = None index = None groups = regex.findall(str_path) if len(groups) == 1: try: field = groups[0][0] index = int(groups[0][1]) except (IndexError, TypeError, ValueError): pass if field is not None and index is not None and field in item: if type(item[field]) is list and len(item[field]) > index: if value_only: values = [item[field][index]] else: values = [{"path": f"{field}[{index}]", "value": item[field][index]}] return values # get new key identifying the new item path = str_path.split(".") key = path[0] if key in item: # inner value is a dictionary { "key": {"aaa": "bbb"}} # lets go deeper if type(item[key]) is dict: result = get_values(item[key], ".".join(path[1:]), value_only=value_only) if not result: return [] values = [] if type(result) is not list: values.append(result) else: values = result for list_item in values: if not value_only and list_item and "path" in list_item: list_item["path"] = f"{key}.{list_item['path']}" return values # inner value is an array { "key" : [{"aaa":"bbb"}, {"ccc": "ddd"}]} # iterate over the items and read the rest of the path from the if type(item[key]) is list: index_counter = 0 result = [] for list_item in item[key]: values = get_values(list_item, ".".join(path[1:]), value_only=value_only) for list_item in values: if value_only: result.append(list_item) else: if list_item and "path" in list_item: list_item["path"] = f"{key}[{index_counter}].{list_item['path']}" result.append(list_item) index_counter += 1 return result # "primitive" value, return it if key in item: if key != path[-1]: return [] if value_only: return [item[key]] return [{"path": key, "value": item[key]}] # indexing used field = None index = None groups = regex.findall(key) if len(groups) == 1: try: field = groups[0][0] index = int(groups[0][1]) except (IndexError, TypeError, ValueError): pass if field is not None and index is not None and field in item: if type(item[field]) is list and len(item[field]) > index: result = [] values = get_values(item[field][index], ".".join(path[1:]), value_only=value_only) for list_item in values: if value_only: result.append(list_item) else: if list_item and "path" in list_item: list_item["path"] = f"{field}[{index}].{list_item['path']}" result.append(list_item) return result # nothing found return []