Source code for pelican.util.checks

import random
from import Callable, Sequence
from typing import Any

from pelican.util.getter import parse_date

[docs] def get_empty_result_resource(version: float = 1.0) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Initialize a compiled release-level check result. :param version: the check's version """ return { "result": None, "meta": None, "application_count": None, "pass_count": None, "version": version, }
[docs] def get_empty_result_dataset(version: float = 1.0) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Initialize a dataset-level check result. :param version: the check's version """ return { "result": None, "value": None, "meta": None, "version": version, }
[docs] def get_empty_result_time_based(version: float = 1.0) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Initialize a time-based check result. :param version: the check's version """ return { "check_result": None, "check_value": None, "coverage_value": None, "coverage_result": None, "meta": None, "version": version, }
[docs] def get_empty_result_time_based_scope() -> dict[str, Any]: """ Initialize a time-based check result accumulator. """ return { "total_count": 0, "coverage_count": 0, "failed_count": 0, "ok_count": 0, "examples": ReservoirSampler(50), }
[docs] def complete_result_resource( result: dict[str, Any], application_count: int, pass_count: int, reason: str | None = None, failed_paths: Sequence[str | dict[str, Any]] | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Build a compiled release-level check result. :param result: the check result :param application_count: the number of times the check was applied :param pass_count: the number of times the check passed :param reason: the reason to provide if the check was not applied :param failed_paths: the failed paths if the check failed """ if reason and application_count == 0: result["meta"] = {"reason": reason} return result passed = application_count == pass_count result["result"] = passed result["application_count"] = application_count result["pass_count"] = pass_count if failed_paths and not passed: result["meta"] = {"failed_paths": failed_paths} return result
[docs] def complete_result_resource_pass_fail( result: dict[str, Any], passed: bool, meta: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Build a compiled release-level check result, for a pass-fail check. :param result: the check result :param passed: whether the check passed :param meta: the additional data to provide if the check failed """ result["result"] = passed result["application_count"] = 1 result["pass_count"] = int(passed) if meta and not passed: result["meta"] = meta return result
[docs] def field_coverage_check( name: str, test: Callable[[dict[str, Any], str], tuple[bool, str]], version: float = 1.0 ) -> Callable[[dict[str, Any], str], dict[str, Any]]: """ :param name: the machine name of the check :param test: a function that accepts a dict and a key and returns a tuple of a boolean (whether the test passed) and a string (the reason for any failed test) :param version: the version number of the check """ def method(item: dict[str, Any], key: str) -> dict[str, Any]: obj = _empty_field_result(name, version=version) # This is not a separate check, as checks ought to be able to assume the basic structure. if type(item) is not dict: passed, reason = False, f"parent is a {type(item).__name__}, not an object" value = item else: passed, reason = test(item, key) value = item.get(key) return _prepare_field_result(obj, passed, value, reason) return method
[docs] def field_quality_check( name: str, test: Callable[[Any], tuple[bool, str]], version: float = 1.0, require_type: type[Any] | None = None, return_value: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = None, ) -> Callable[[dict[str, Any], str], dict[str, Any]]: """ :param name: the machine name of the check :param test: a function that accepts a value and returns a tuple of a boolean (whether the test passed) and a string (the reason for any failed test) :param version: the version number of the check :param require_type: the type that the value must have for the test to run without error :param return_value: a function that accepts a value and returns the value to set in the returned object """ def method(item: dict[str, Any], key: str, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]: obj = _empty_field_result(name, version=version) value = item[key] if require_type and type(value) is not require_type: obj["result"] = False obj["value"] = value obj["reason"] = f"not a {require_type.__name__}" return obj passed, reason = test(value, **kwargs) return _prepare_field_result(obj, passed, value, reason, return_value=return_value) return method
[docs] def coherent_dates_check(version: float, pairs: list[tuple[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]]]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Return a compiled release-level check result for coherent date pairs. A pair of dates is coherent if the first date is less than or equal to the second date. :param version: the check's version :param pairs: date value pairs """ result = get_empty_result_resource(version) if not pairs: result["meta"] = {"reason": "no pairs of dates are set"} return result application_count = 0 pass_count = 0 failed_paths = [] for first_date, second_date in pairs: first_date_parsed = parse_date(first_date["value"]) second_date_parsed = parse_date(second_date["value"]) if first_date_parsed is None or second_date_parsed is None: continue application_count += 1 if first_date_parsed <= second_date_parsed: pass_count += 1 else: failed_paths.append( { "path_1": first_date["path"], "value_1": first_date["value"], "path_2": second_date["path"], "value_2": second_date["value"], } ) return complete_result_resource( result, application_count, pass_count, reason="no pairs of dates are parseable", failed_paths=failed_paths, )
def _empty_field_result(name: str, version: float = 1.0) -> dict[str, Any]: return { "name": name, "result": None, "value": None, "reason": None, "version": version, } def _prepare_field_result( obj: dict[str, Any], passed: bool, value: Any, reason: str, return_value: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = None ) -> dict[str, Any]: obj["result"] = passed if not passed: if return_value: obj["value"] = return_value(value) else: obj["value"] = value obj["reason"] = reason return obj
[docs] class ReservoirSampler: def __init__(self, limit: int): if limit < 1: raise ValueError("limit must be a positive integer") self._limit = limit self.index = 0 self.sample = [] #
[docs] def process(self, value: Any) -> None: if self.index < self._limit: self.sample.append(value) else: r = random.randint(0, self.index) if r < self._limit: self.sample[r] = value self.index += 1
def __len__(self): return len(self.sample) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.sample) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.sample)